Niagara Mega Pack Vol.4
122 Niagara Effects such as Stylized Slashes Vol.1, Stylized Lasers Vol.1, Stylized Lightning Vol.1, Stylized Orbs Vol.1 and Summon Creatures Vol.1 done entirely with Niagara and specifically made to be customizable by you.
They are easy to change scale, rate, color, speed, thickness, direction and many more parameters.
Please contact me if you have any doubts or suggestions.
6 Ground Slashes
8 Cross Slashes
12 Kassadin Slashes
8 Projectile Slashes
33 Stylized Lightnings
19 Stylized Orbs
21 Stylized Laser Beams
15 Summon Creature Effects
Easy controls such as Color, Scale, Duration, Erosion, Thickness and more
Easy Start and End Point controls for Lasers and Lightnings
Easy to extend and add new summon creatures
Summon Creatures Documentation
Type of Emitters: NIAGARA | GPU | Mesh Emitters
Number of Effects: 122
Number of Textures: 167
Number of Materials: 236
Number of Blueprints: 36
Number of Meshes: 47
Rigged to Epic or MetaHumans Skeleton: No
Number of Animations: 13
Animation Types: in-place
Number of Characters: 13
Vertex Counts of Characters: From 956 to 5.3k
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobile | Consoles