Niagara Ultra Mega Pack
450+ Niagara Effects such as Stylized Slashes, Stylized Lasers, Stylized Lightning, Stylized Orbs, Summon Creatures, Vertical Beams, Sword Slashes, Hits and Impacts Vol.2, Muzzle Flashes Vol.2, Earthbender, Stylized Fire, Stylized Smoke, Ice Attacks, Stylized Tornados, Meteor Rain, Muzzle Flashes, Hits and Impacts, Loot Drops, Portals and Magic Orbs done entirely with Niagara and specifically made to be customizable by you.
They all have customizable parameters, that make things like adjusting scale, rate, color, speed, thickness, direction and many more parameters easy to control.
Please contact me if you have any doubts or suggestions.
50 Muzzle Flashes
25 Hits and Impacts
19 Loot Drops
12 Niagara Portals
12 Magic Niagara Orbs
13 Stylized Fires
25 Stylized Smokes
20 Stylized Tornados with a nice anticipation
8 Stylized Tornados with no anticipation but animated
8 Stylized Tornados that are instant with no anticipation or animation
12 Meteor Rain Effects
25 AoE Vertical Beams
27 Sword Slashes
25 Hits and Impacts
25 Muzzle Flashes
50 Earthbending Abilities
6 Ground Slashes
8 Cross Slashes
12 Kassadin Slashes
8 Projectile Slashes
33 Stylized Laser Beams
19 Stylized Orbs
21 Stylized Laser Beams
15 Summon Creature Effects
Lots of customization options are available
Type of Emitters: NIAGARA | GPU | Mesh Emitters
Number of Effects: 453
Number of Textures: 577
Number of Materials: 742
Number of Blueprints: 104
Number of Meshes: 172
Number of Animations: 13
Number of Characters: 13
Rigged to Epic or MetaHumans Skeleton: No
Vertex Counts of Characters: From 956 to 5.3k
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobile | Consoles